UEB Math Tutorial
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Lesson 4.2: Shape Omissions


△ triangle

□ square

○ circle


Sometimes shapes are used to represent the omission of a number, variable, operation, or sign of comparison. The most common shapes used for this are the triangle, circle, and square. However, other shapes may also be encountered. The shape indicator is dots one-two-four-six. A triangle is represented by the shape indicator followed by a lowercase letter t. A circle is represented by the shape indicator followed by a lowercase letter c. A square is represented by the shape indicator followed by a Nemeth four (dots two-five-six).

In these cases, the shape is spaced based on the item they represent.

Example 1

a triangle representing an omitted sign of comparison such as greater than or less than


Example 2

a square representing a missing dollar value


Example 3

a circle representing a missing numerator in a fraction.


Example 4


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