UEB Math Tutorial
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Lesson 1.6: Signs of Comparison


>greater than

<less than


Review - Signs of Comparison

The greater than and less than symbols are signs of comparison just like the equals sign. The greater than and less than symbols are two-cell symbols. A blank space should be left before and after the greater than or less than symbol. If a number follows the greater than or less than symbol, it must be preceded by the numeric indicator.


Inequalities show differences between numbers and indicate which one is larger or smaller. The symbol for greater than, dots four six dot two, and the symbol for less than, dot five dots one three, are used to show inequalities. The cell containing only one braille dot is always pointing to the value that is less than the other. For example, in "nine is greater than four", the single dot two is pointing toward the lesser value, four. Likewise, in "four is less than nine", the single dot five is also pointing toward the lesser value, four.

Example 1


Example 2


Example 3


Example 4


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